■ Word Mode
Word Mode is a predictive method of text entry that uses a built-in
dictionary to quickly recognize the most commonly used word for a
specific key sequence. You only need to press the corresponding key
on your Alphanumeric keypad once for each letter.
Activate Word Mode
To activate Word Mode, press the Left Soft key, and select Word.
Word Mode Text Entry
The illustration below simulates your display each time a key is pressed
in Word Mode. For example, to write "Verizon" with Word Mode on and
the English dictionary selected, press each of the following keys once:

T e x t E n t r y
If a displayed word is not correct, press 0 to view other word options.
If your word does not appear, delete your entry, and press the
Left Soft key to change the mode to Abc. Re-enter your word
using the Multi-tap mode.
When you have finished the word and it is correct, press #
to confirm it, insert a space and scroll forward to continue.